          WHEN 'VARCHAR2'       THEN C.DATA_TYPE||'('||C.CHAR_LENGTH||' '||decode(C.CHAR_USED,'B','BYTE','C','CHAR','?')||')'
          WHEN 'CHAR'           THEN C.DATA_TYPE||'('||C.CHAR_LENGTH||' '||decode(C.CHAR_USED,'B','BYTE','C','CHAR','?')||')'
          WHEN 'NVARCHAR2'      THEN C.DATA_TYPE||'('||C.CHAR_LENGTH||' '||decode(C.CHAR_USED,'B','BYTE','C','CHAR','?')||')'
          WHEN 'NCHAR'          THEN C.DATA_TYPE||'('||C.CHAR_LENGTH||' '||decode(C.CHAR_USED,'B','BYTE','C','CHAR','?')||')'
          WHEN 'BLOB'           THEN C.DATA_TYPE||'('||C.DATA_LENGTH||')'
          WHEN 'CLOB'           THEN C.DATA_TYPE||'('||C.DATA_LENGTH||')'
          WHEN 'LOB'            THEN C.DATA_TYPE||'('||C.DATA_LENGTH||')'
          WHEN 'RAW'            THEN C.DATA_TYPE||'('||C.DATA_LENGTH||')'
          ELSE C.DATA_TYPE
        END AS "DATA_TYPE"
          WHEN 'Y'           THEN 'NULL'
          WHEN 'N'           THEN 'NOT NULL'
          ELSE ' '
        END AS "NULL"
        ON(      I.TABLE_OWNER = C.OWNER
      AND  I.TABLE_NAME = 'TAB01'
--       AND  I.TABLE_NAME = 'TAB02'

            ROWNUM row#
                            sql_text             AS sql,
                            s.cpu_time / 1000 AS cpu_mseconds,
                                WHEN s.cpu_time < 1000     THEN
                                    '< 1 ms'
                                WHEN s.cpu_time < 1000000  THEN
                                    TO_CHAR(round(s.cpu_time /1000,1))
                                    || ' ms'
                                WHEN s.cpu_time < 60000000 THEN
                                    TO_CHAR(round(s.cpu_time / 1000000,1))
                                    || ' s'
                                    TO_CHAR(round(s.cpu_time / 60000000, 1))
                                    || ' m'
                            END AS cpu_seconds_form,
                            DECODE(l.max_cpu_time, 0, 0, s.cpu_time / l.max_cpu_time) AS cpu_seconds_prop,
                            s.elapsed_time / 1000 AS elapsed_mseconds,
                                WHEN s.elapsed_time < 1000     THEN
                                    '< 1 ms'
                                WHEN s.elapsed_time < 1000000 THEN
                                    TO_CHAR(round(s.elapsed_time / 1000, 1))
                                    || ' ms'
                                WHEN s.elapsed_time < 60000000 THEN
                                    TO_CHAR(round(s.elapsed_time / 1000000, 1))
                                    || ' s'
                                    TO_CHAR(round(s.elapsed_time / 60000000, 1))
                                    || ' m'
                            END AS elapsed_seconds_form,
                            DECODE(l.max_elapsed_time, 0, 0, s.elapsed_time / l.max_elapsed_time) AS elapsed_seconds_prop,
                            s.disk_reads         AS disk_reads,
                                WHEN s.disk_reads < 1000       THEN
                                WHEN s.disk_reads < 1000000    THEN
                                    TO_CHAR(round(s.disk_reads / 1000, 1))
                                    || 'K'
                                WHEN s.disk_reads < 1000000000 THEN
                                    TO_CHAR(round(s.disk_reads / 1000000, 1))
                                    || 'M'
                                    TO_CHAR(round(s.disk_reads / 1000000000, 1))
                                    || 'G'
                            END AS disk_reads_form,
                            DECODE(l.max_disk_reads, 0, 0, s.disk_reads / l.max_disk_reads) AS disk_reads_prop,
                            s.buffer_gets        AS buffer_gets,
                                WHEN s.buffer_gets < 1000       THEN
                                WHEN s.buffer_gets < 1000000    THEN
                                    TO_CHAR(round(s.buffer_gets / 1000, 1))
                                    || 'K'
                                WHEN s.buffer_gets < 1000000000 THEN
                                    TO_CHAR(round(s.buffer_gets / 1000000, 1))
                                    || 'M'
                                    TO_CHAR(round(s.buffer_gets / 1000000000, 1))
                                    || 'G'
                            END AS buffer_gets_form,
                            DECODE(l.max_buffer_gets, 0, 0, s.buffer_gets / l.max_buffer_gets) AS buffer_gets_prop,
                            s.executions         AS executions,
                                WHEN s.executions < 1000       THEN
                                WHEN s.executions < 1000000    THEN
                                    TO_CHAR(round(s.executions / 1000, 1))
                                    || 'K'
                                WHEN s.executions < 1000000000 THEN
                                    TO_CHAR(round(s.executions / 1000000, 1))
                                    || 'M'
                                    TO_CHAR(round(s.executions / 1000000000, 1))
                                    || 'G'
                            END AS executions_form,
                            DECODE(l.max_executions, 0, 0, s.executions / l.max_executions) AS executions_prop,
                            DECODE(s.module, NULL, ' ', s.module) AS module,
                            s.last_active_time   AS last_active_time,
                            DECODE(s.last_active_time, NULL, ' ', TO_CHAR(s.last_active_time, 'DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')) AS last_active_time_form
                            s.sql_id             AS sql_id,
                            s.child_number       AS child_number,
                            s.inst_id            AS inst_id
                                SELECT * FROM gv$sql
                                where parsing_schema_name in ('REFNAVI','PRONAVI','KVRG00000001')
                            ) s,
                                    MAX(cpu_time) AS max_cpu_time,
                                    MAX(elapsed_time) AS max_elapsed_time,
                                    MAX(disk_reads) AS max_disk_reads,
                                    MAX(buffer_gets) AS max_buffer_gets,
                                    MAX(executions) AS max_executions
                            ) l
                    ) d
                ORDER BY
                    cpu_mseconds DESC,
                    disk_reads DESC,
                    buffer_gets DESC,
                    executions DESC,
                    elapsed_mseconds DESC,
                    inst_id DESC,
                    module DESC,
                    last_active_time DESC
            ) d
    ) d
WHERE    1 = 1
-- and  row# >= :minrowno  AND row# <= :maxrowno





ORA-32773: SMALLFILE表領域USERSに対する操作はサポートされていません



alter database datafile 'E:\oradata\ORCL\USERS.DBF' autoextend off ;



KERNRATE - Version: 5.2.3790.1101
KERNRATE [-l] [-lx] [-r] [-m] [-p ProcessId] [-z ModuleName] [-j SymbolPath] [-c RateInMsec] [-s Seconds] [-i [SrcShortName] Rate]
[-n ProcessName] [-w]

-a Do a combined Kernel and User mode profile
-av Do a combined Kernel and User mode profile and get task list and system threads info
-b BucketSize Specify profiling bucket size (default = 16 bytes, must be a power of 2)
-c RateInMsec Change source every N milliseconds (default 1000ms). Optional. By default all sources will be profiled simultaneously
-d Generate output rounding buckets up and down
-e Exclude system-wide and process specific general information (context switches, memory usage, etc.)
-f Process the collected data at high priority (useful on busy systems if the overhead is not an issue)
-g Rate Get interesting processor-counters statistics (Rate optional in events/hit), output not guarantied
-i SrcShortName Rate Specify interrupt interval rate (in events/hit)for the source specified by its ShortName, see notes below
-j SymbolPath Prepend SymbolPath to the default imagehlp search path
-k MinHitCount Limit the output to modules that have at least MinHitCount hits
-l List the default interval rates for supported sources
-lx List the default interval rates for supported sources and then exit
-m 0xN Generate per-CPU profiles on multi-processor machines, Hex CPU affinity mask optional for profiling on selected processors
-n ProcessName Monitor process by its name (default limited to first 8 by the same name), multiple usage allowed
-nv# N ProcessName Monitor up to N processes by the same name, v will print thread info and list of all running processes (optional)
-nd ProcessName Monitor process by name as debugger - stop all profiling on process exit and process data. See comments below
-ns ProcessName Monitor process by name, suspend its main execution thread after profiling done to prevent early exit, see comments below
-o ProcessName {CmdLine}Create and monitor ProcessName (path OK), Command Line parameters optional and must be enclosed in curly brackets
-ov# N ProcessName { } Create N instances of ProcessName, v will print thread info and list of running processes (optional), {command line} optional
-od ProcessName { } Create and monitor ProcessName as a debugger, same as in '-nd', see comment below
-odk ProcessName { } Create and monitor ProcessName as a debugger, kill the debuggee upon Kernrate exit
-os ProcessName { } Create and monitor ProcessName, suspend its main execution thread after profiling done, same as in '-ns', see comment below
-oi ProcessName { } Create ProcessName, wait for input idle (up to 10 seconds) before continuing (not affecting console processes)
-pv ProcessId Monitor process by its ProcessId, multiple usage allowed - see notes below, v (optional) same as in '-nv'
-pd ProcessId Monitor process by its ProcessId as a debugger, same as in '-nd', see comment below
-ps ProcessId Monitor process by its ProcessId, suspend its main execution thread after profiling done, same as in '-ns', see comment below
-q Synchronize kernrate with any monitored process exit (stop profiling immediately and process data)
-r Raw data from zoomed modules
-rd Raw data from zoomed modules with disassembly
-s Seconds Stop collecting data after N seconds
-t Display process list + CPU usage summary for the profiling period
-ts Display process list + CPU usage summary for the profiling period + running services info
-ts MaxTasks As above + Change the maximum no. of processes allowed in Kernrate's list to MaxTasks (default: 256)
-u Present symbols in undecorated form
-w Wait for the user to press ENTER before starting to collect profile data
-w Seconds Wait for N seconds before starting to collect profile data (default is no wait)
-wp Wait for the user to press enter to indicate that created processes (see -0 option) are settled (idle)
-wp Seconds Wait for N seconds to allow created processes settle (go idle), default is 2 seconds, (see the -o option)
-wx Wait for the user to press ENTER before exiting Kernrate. Useful for debug process mode or Kernrate created console processes
-wx Seconds Wait for N seconds before exiting Kernrate
-x Get both system and user-process locks information
-x# count Get both system and user-process locks information for (optional) contention >= count [def. 1000]
-xk# count Get only system lock information for (optional) contention >= count [def. 1000]
-xu# count Get only user-process lock information for (optional) contention >= count [def. 1000]
-yr filename Create a raw-data output file, tab delimited (filename optional)
-z module Name of module to zoom on (no extension needed by default) such as ntdll, multiple usage allowed, see notes below
-v Verbose Verbose Printout, if specified with no level the default is Imagehlp symbol information
-v [VerboseLevels] Verbose output where VerboseLevels:
- 0x0 None
- 0x1 Displays ImageHlp Operations
- 0x2 Displays Profiling Operations, Bucket Sharing Information Totals and Profile Interrupt Based CPU Usage
- 0x4 Displays Internals Operations
- 0x8 Displays Modules Operations
- 0x10 Displays Load/Unload Debug Events for Modules (Debug Mode Only)
- 0x20 Displays Detailed Sharing Information for Each Bucket and Bucket Sharing Information Totals
- 0x40 Displays Exception Debug Events (Debug Mode Only)
- Default value: 0x0
These verbose levels can be OR'ed.

Multi-Processes are allowed (each process ID needs to be preceded by -P except for the system process)
Typical multi-process profiling command line should look like:

kernrate .... -a -z ntoskrnl -z ntdll -z kernel32 -p 1234 -z w3svc -z iisrtl -p 4321 -z comdlg32 -z msvcrt ...

The first group of -z denotes either kernel modules and-or modules common across processes
The other -z groups are process specific and should always follow the appropriate -p xxx

The -z option requires to add the extension (.dll etc.) only if two or more binaries carry the same name and differ only by the extension

The '-g' option will attempt to turn on multiple sources. One source at a time profiling mode will automatically be forced

The '-i' option can be followed by only a source name (system default interrupt interval rate will then be assumed)

A '-i' option followed by a rate amount (no profile source name) will change the interval rate for the default source (time)

Profiling of the default source (Time) can be disabled by setting its profile interval to zero

With the '-n' option, use the common modules -Z option if you expect more than one process with the same name

The '-c' option will cause elapsed time to be devided equally between the sources and the monitored processes

The '-o' option supports redirection of input/output/error streams within the curly brackets. Each redirection character must be escaped with a '^' character

The '-nd' '-ns' '-od' '-os' options allow specifying 'v', '#' or any other valid sub-options, e.g. '-nsv# N ProcessName'
The '-pd' '-ps' options allow specifying the 'v' sub-option, e.g. '-psv ProcessId'

If debugging mode is selected ('-nd', '-od' or '-pd') the debuggee will not get killed upon Kernrate exit on WinXP and above, see also the '-wx' option

If suspend mode is selected ('-ns', '-os' or '-ps') Kernrate will attempt to resume the suspended thread after post processing is done
There is no guaranty as to the stability or behavior of the monitored process after that

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      • -

C:\>Kernrate_i386_XP.exe /? 2>&1 | clip

C:\>pslist | grep fir

pslist v1.28 - Sysinternals PsList
Copyright c 2000-2004 Mark Russinovich

firefox 3560 8 26 3521 205772 0:28:52.718 6:26:00.139

C:\>Kernrate_i386_XP.exe -pv 3560

Running processes found before profile start:
Pid Process
------- -----------
0 System Idle Process
4 System
1968 smss.exe
2024 csrss.exe
160 winlogon.exe
252 services.exe
220 lsass.exe
512 svchost.exe
592 svchost.exe
1568 svchost.exe
1632 svchost.exe
1816 svchost.exe
1876 ccEvtMgr.exe
1952 ccSetMgr.exe
1988 SNDSrvc.exe
852 spoolsv.exe
904 scardsvr.exe
1276 svchost.exe
1488 DefWatch.exe
1672 dsNcService.exe
1852 DVDRAMSV.exe
1996 GoogleIMEJaCacheService.exe
656 IoDevMgrService.exe
836 CmStartS.exe
956 GoogleCrashHandler.exe
972 iviRegMgr.exe
1068 jqs.exe
652 mdm.exe
1172 sbmgrnt.exe
1192 SavRoam.exe
1216 Cmschedu.exe
1224 dpSysd.exe
1232 MtMeter2.exe
1340 tcpsvcs.exe
1428 F5FZSSVC.exe
1756 snmp.exe
2200 svchost.exe
2284 Rtvscan.exe
3504 alg.exe
2728 oracle.exe
3268 nmesrvc.exe
3876 explorer.exe
1288 ctfmon.exe
1556 RTHDCPL.exe
2124 SynTPEnh.exe
2144 IndicatorUty.exe
2184 FUJ02E3.exe
2332 TrayManager.exe
2396 QuickTouch.exe
2436 BtnHnd.exe
700 IoSecShadow.exe
2512 ccApp.exe
2520 VPTray.exe
376 F5FZGNAA.exe
2544 F5FZALGN.exe
3460 hkcmd.exe
2984 igfxpers.exe
2932 igfxsrvc.exe
3752 dpDaemn.exe
1112 F5FZSHMG.exe
2428 GoogleCrashHandler.exe
1552 cmd.exe
1600 perl.exe
2708 Capt_St.exe
3872 denmemo.exe
2716 cmd.exe
1660 java.exe
2868 FOMCv1.exe
3740 ipmsg.exe
2572 emagent.exe
152 ToDoRocky.exe
1028 Station.exe
3560 firefox.exe

===> Found process: firefox.exe, Pid: 3560

1404 conime.exe
2532 cmd.exe
5768 thunderbird.exe
4148 GoogleIMEJaRenderer.exe
4264 GoogleIMEJaConverter.exe
5672 AcMain.exe
5352 procexp.exe
2096 Hidemaru.exe
5936 Kernrate_i386_XP.exe

NOTE: The list above may be missing some or all processes created by the '-o' option

PID = 3560: Source= Time,
Using Kernrate Default Rate of 25000 events/hit
/==============================\< KERNRATE LOG >
Date: 2010/03/30 Time: 15:15:05
Machine Name: MyComputer
Number of Processors: 2
Physical Memory: 2037 MB
Pagefile Total: 4935 MB
Virtual Total: 2047 MB
PageFile1: \??\C:\pagefile.sys, 3054MB
OS Version: 5.1 Build 2600 Service-Pack: 3.0

Kernrate User-Specified Command Line:
Kernrate_i386_XP.exe -pv 3560

Starting to collect profile data

> Press ctrl-c to finish collecting profile data

===> Finished Collecting Data, Starting to Process Results

                        • Overall Summary:--------------

P0 K 0:00:01.359 (10.3%) U 0:00:01.781 (13.4%) I 0:00:10.109 (76.3%) DPC 0:00:00.00
0 ( 0.0%) Interrupt 0:00:00.062 ( 0.5%)
Interrupts= 7789, Interrupt Rate= 588/sec.

P1 K 0:00:01.031 ( 7.8%) U 0:00:02.234 (16.9%) I 0:00:09.984 (75.4%) DPC 0:00:00.06
2 ( 0.5%) Interrupt 0:00:00.046 ( 0.4%)
Interrupts= 7788, Interrupt Rate= 588/sec.

TOTAL K 0:00:02.390 ( 9.0%) U 0:00:04.015 (15.2%) I 0:00:20.093 (75.8%) DPC 0:00:00.06
2 ( 0.2%) Interrupt 0:00:00.109 ( 0.4%)
Total Interrupts= 15577, Total Interrupt Rate= 1176/sec.

Total Profile Time = 13250 msec

BytesStart BytesStop BytesDiff.
Available Physical Memory , 283979776, 277544960, -6434816
Available Pagefile(s) , 3559100416, 3553124352, -5976064
Available Virtual , 2130542592, 2130542592, 0
Available Extended Virtual , 0, 0, 0

Total Avg. Rate
Context Switches , 138312, 10439/sec.
System Calls , 275963, 20827/sec.
Page Faults , 44207, 3336/sec.
I/O Read Operations , 4409, 333/sec.
I/O Write Operations , 1432, 108/sec.
I/O Other Operations , 6641, 501/sec.
I/O Read Bytes , 31736619, 7198/ I/O
I/O Write Bytes , 457396, 319/ I/O
I/O Other Bytes , 334159, 50/ I/O

                                                                                                                              • -

Results for User Mode Process FIREFOX.EXE (PID = 3560)

User Time = 11.32% of the Elapsed Time
Kernel Time = 1.47% of the Elapsed Time

Total Avg. Rate
Page Faults , 8559, 646/sec.
I/O Read Operations , 1105, 83/sec.
I/O Write Operations , 66, 5/sec.
I/O Other Operations , 197, 15/sec.
I/O Read Bytes , 505839, 458/ I/O
I/O Write Bytes , 239669, 3631/ I/O
I/O Other Bytes , 3736, 19/ I/O

Start-Count Stop-Count Diff.
Threads , 25, 26, 1
Handles , 3516, 3523, 7
Working Set Bytes , 199790592, 204341248, 4550656
Virtual Size Bytes , 563830784, 569401344, 5570560
Paged Pool Bytes , 320492, 320852, 360
Non Paged Pool Bytes , 45284, 46564, 1280
Pagefile Bytes , 195518464, 200298496, 4780032
Private Pages Bytes , 195518464, 200298496, 4780032

                          • Thread Information ---------------

Start-Count Stop-Count Diff.

Pid= 3560, Tid= 2944, StartAddr= 0x7C810705 (kernel32)
Thread State , Ready, Waiting
Wait Reason , Executive, WrUserRequest
Wait Time [.1 uSec] , 1510826, 1511671, 845
Base Priority , 8, 8
Priority , 13, 10
Context Switches , 6641242, 6645067, 3825
Context Switches , 3825, 289/sec.

User Time = 11.03% of the Elapsed Time
Kernel Time = 1.12% of the Elapsed Time

Pid= 3560, Tid= 3596, StartAddr= 0x7C8106F9 (kernel32)
Thread State , Waiting, Waiting
Wait Reason , UserRequest, UserRequest
Wait Time [.1 uSec] , 27623, 27623, 0
Base Priority , 8, 8
Priority , 8, 8
Context Switches , 2, 2, 0
Context Switches , 0, 0/sec.

User Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time
Kernel Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time

Pid= 3560, Tid= 3312, StartAddr= 0x7C8106F9 (kernel32)
Thread State , Waiting, Waiting
Wait Reason , UserRequest, UserRequest
Wait Time [.1 uSec] , 1510352, 1511469, 1117
Base Priority , 8, 8
Priority , 10, 10
Context Switches , 80556, 80575, 19
Context Switches , 19, 1/sec.

User Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time
Kernel Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time

Pid= 3560, Tid= 428, StartAddr= 0x7C8106F9 (kernel32)
Thread State , Waiting, Waiting
Wait Reason , UserRequest, UserRequest
Wait Time [.1 uSec] , 27664, 27664, 0
Base Priority , 8, 8
Priority , 8, 8
Context Switches , 10, 10, 0
Context Switches , 0, 0/sec.

User Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time
Kernel Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time

Pid= 3560, Tid= 820, StartAddr= 0x7C8106F9 (kernel32)
Thread State , Waiting, Waiting
Wait Reason , UserRequest, UserRequest
Wait Time [.1 uSec] , 1510367, 1511338, 971
Base Priority , 7, 7
Priority , 7, 10
Context Switches , 14024, 14053, 29
Context Switches , 29, 2/sec.

User Time = 0.24% of the Elapsed Time
Kernel Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time

Pid= 3560, Tid= 3116, StartAddr= 0x7C8106F9 (kernel32)
Thread State , Waiting, Waiting
Wait Reason , UserRequest, UserRequest
Wait Time [.1 uSec] , 1510803, 1511637, 834
Base Priority , 8, 8
Priority , 9, 10
Context Switches , 32010, 32038, 28
Context Switches , 28, 2/sec.

User Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time
Kernel Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time

Pid= 3560, Tid= 2368, StartAddr= 0x7C8106F9 (kernel32)
Thread State , Waiting, Waiting
Wait Reason , UserRequest, UserRequest
Wait Time [.1 uSec] , 1510825, 1511674, 849
Base Priority , 8, 8
Priority , 9, 9
Context Switches , 3343932, 3349254, 5322
Context Switches , 5322, 402/sec.

User Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time
Kernel Time = 0.06% of the Elapsed Time

Pid= 3560, Tid= 3628, StartAddr= 0x7C8106F9 (kernel32)
Thread State , Waiting, Waiting
Wait Reason , UserRequest, UserRequest
Wait Time [.1 uSec] , 564008, 564008, 0
Base Priority , 8, 8
Priority , 11, 11
Context Switches , 2093, 2093, 0
Context Switches , 0, 0/sec.

User Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time
Kernel Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time

Pid= 3560, Tid= 3396, StartAddr= 0x7C8106F9 (kernel32)
Thread State , Waiting, Waiting
Wait Reason , UserRequest, UserRequest
Wait Time [.1 uSec] , 32433, 32433, 0
Base Priority , 8, 8
Priority , 9, 9
Context Switches , 3, 3, 0
Context Switches , 0, 0/sec.

User Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time
Kernel Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time

Pid= 3560, Tid= 3404, StartAddr= 0x7C8106F9 (kernel32)
Thread State , Waiting, Waiting
Wait Reason , UserRequest, UserRequest
Wait Time [.1 uSec] , 1504594, 1511411, 6817
Base Priority , 8, 8
Priority , 11, 11
Context Switches , 21240, 21241, 1
Context Switches , 1, 0/sec.

User Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time
Kernel Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time

Pid= 3560, Tid= 676, StartAddr= 0x7C8106F9 (kernel32)
Thread State , Waiting, Waiting
Wait Reason , UserRequest, UserRequest
Wait Time [.1 uSec] , 1505660, 1505660, 0
Base Priority , 8, 8
Priority , 8, 8
Context Switches , 15993, 15993, 0
Context Switches , 0, 0/sec.

User Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time
Kernel Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time

Pid= 3560, Tid= 3300, StartAddr= 0x7C8106F9 (kernel32)
Thread State , Waiting, Waiting
Wait Reason , UserRequest, UserRequest
Wait Time [.1 uSec] , 1475079, 1475079, 0
Base Priority , 8, 8
Priority , 11, 11
Context Switches , 27, 27, 0
Context Switches , 0, 0/sec.

User Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time
Kernel Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time

Pid= 3560, Tid= 2924, StartAddr= 0x7C8106F9 (kernel32)
Thread State , Waiting, Waiting
Wait Reason , UserRequest, UserRequest
Wait Time [.1 uSec] , 36264, 36264, 0
Base Priority , 15, 15
Priority , 15, 15
Context Switches , 1, 1, 0
Context Switches , 0, 0/sec.

User Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time
Kernel Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time

Pid= 3560, Tid= 1544, StartAddr= 0x7C8106F9 (kernel32)
Thread State , Waiting, Waiting
Wait Reason , WrUserRequest, WrUserRequest
Wait Time [.1 uSec] , 1476078, 1476078, 0
Base Priority , 10, 10
Priority , 12, 12
Context Switches , 1582, 1582, 0
Context Switches , 0, 0/sec.

User Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time
Kernel Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time

Pid= 3560, Tid= 4184, StartAddr= 0x7C8106F9 (kernel32)
Thread State , Waiting, Waiting
Wait Reason , UserRequest, UserRequest
Wait Time [.1 uSec] , 1446765, 1446765, 0
Base Priority , 15, 15
Priority , 15, 15
Context Switches , 1837946, 1837946, 0
Context Switches , 0, 0/sec.

User Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time
Kernel Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time

Pid= 3560, Tid= 6088, StartAddr= 0x7C8106F9 (kernel32)
Thread State , Waiting, Waiting
Wait Reason , UserRequest, UserRequest
Wait Time [.1 uSec] , 1510773, 1511413, 640
Base Priority , 8, 8
Priority , 10, 9
Context Switches , 10313, 10318, 5
Context Switches , 5, 0/sec.

User Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time
Kernel Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time

Pid= 3560, Tid= 4956, StartAddr= 0x7C8106F9 (kernel32)
Thread State , Waiting, Waiting
Wait Reason , DelayExecution, DelayExecution
Wait Time [.1 uSec] , 304639, 304639, 0
Base Priority , 8, 8
Priority , 10, 10
Context Switches , 14, 14, 0
Context Switches , 0, 0/sec.

User Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time
Kernel Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time

Pid= 3560, Tid= 5532, StartAddr= 0x7C8106F9 (kernel32)
Thread State , Waiting, Waiting
Wait Reason , UserRequest, UserRequest
Wait Time [.1 uSec] , 746613, 746613, 0
Base Priority , 8, 8
Priority , 8, 8
Context Switches , 35, 35, 0
Context Switches , 0, 0/sec.

User Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time
Kernel Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time

Pid= 3560, Tid= 4988, StartAddr= 0x7C8106F9 (kernel32)
Thread State , Waiting, Waiting
Wait Reason , UserRequest, UserRequest
Wait Time [.1 uSec] , 226631, 226631, 0
Base Priority , 8, 8
Priority , 10, 10
Context Switches , 2, 2, 0
Context Switches , 0, 0/sec.

User Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time
Kernel Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time

Pid= 3560, Tid= 5444, StartAddr= 0x7C8106F9 (kernel32)
Thread State , Waiting, Waiting
Wait Reason , WrLpcReceive, WrLpcReceive
Wait Time [.1 uSec] , 1506968, 1506968, 0
Base Priority , 8, 8
Priority , 8, 8
Context Switches , 33, 33, 0
Context Switches , 0, 0/sec.

User Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time
Kernel Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time

Pid= 3560, Tid= 5812, StartAddr= 0x7C8106F9 (kernel32)
Thread State , Waiting, Waiting
Wait Reason , UserRequest, UserRequest
Wait Time [.1 uSec] , 1503128, 1503128, 0
Base Priority , 8, 8
Priority , 11, 11
Context Switches , 25, 25, 0
Context Switches , 0, 0/sec.

User Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time
Kernel Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time

Pid= 3560, Tid= 6008, StartAddr= 0x7C8106F9 (kernel32)
Thread State , Waiting, Waiting
Wait Reason , WrQueue, WrQueue
Wait Time [.1 uSec] , 1504362, 1504362, 0
Base Priority , 9, 9
Priority , 9, 9
Context Switches , 30, 30, 0
Context Switches , 0, 0/sec.

User Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time
Kernel Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time

Pid= 3560, Tid= 932, StartAddr= 0x7C8106F9 (kernel32)
Thread State , Waiting, Waiting
Wait Reason , UserRequest, UserRequest
Wait Time [.1 uSec] , 1487367, 1487367, 0
Base Priority , 10, 10
Priority , 13, 13
Context Switches , 11, 11, 0
Context Switches , 0, 0/sec.

User Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time
Kernel Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time

Pid= 3560, Tid= 2148, StartAddr= 0x7C8106F9 (kernel32)
Thread State , Waiting, Waiting
Wait Reason , UserRequest, UserRequest
Wait Time [.1 uSec] , 1487239, 1487239, 0
Base Priority , 8, 8
Priority , 11, 11
Context Switches , 8, 8, 0
Context Switches , 0, 0/sec.

User Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time
Kernel Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time

Pid= 3560, Tid= 5580, StartAddr= 0x7C8106F9 (kernel32)
Thread State , Waiting, Waiting
Wait Reason , WrLpcReceive, WrLpcReceive
Wait Time [.1 uSec] , 1496838, 1496838, 0
Base Priority , 8, 8
Priority , 10, 10
Context Switches , 4, 4, 0
Context Switches , 0, 0/sec.

User Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time
Kernel Time = 0.00% of the Elapsed Time

Pid= 3560, Tid= 4620, StartAddr= 0x7C8106F9 (kernel32) --->(NEW)
Thread State , Waiting
Wait Reason , UserRequest
Wait Time [.1 uSec] , 0, 1511636, 1511636
Base Priority , 8
Priority , 8
Context Switches , 0, 38, 38
Context Switches , 38, 3/sec.

User Time = 0.06% of the Elapsed Time
Kernel Time = 0.06% of the Elapsed Time

                                                                                                                                  • -

OutputResults: ProcessModuleCount (Including Managed-Code JITs) = 172
Percentage in the following table is based on the Total Hits for this Process

Time 1219 hits, 25000 events per hit --------
Module Hits msec %Total Events/Sec
js3250 546 13249 44 % 1030266
xul 504 13249 41 % 951015
MOZCRT19 83 13249 6 % 156615
ntdll 42 13249 3 % 79251
nspr4 23 13249 1 % 43399
kernel32 11 13249 0 % 20756
GDI32 4 13249 0 % 7547
USER32 2 13249 0 % 3773
uxtheme 1 13249 0 % 1886
USP10 1 13249 0 % 1886
WINMM 1 13249 0 % 1886
sqlite3 1 13249 0 % 1886

================================= END OF RUN ==================================
============================== NORMAL END OF RUN ==============================

C:\Program Files\KrView\Kernrates



, opname AS "Opearation"
, min(start_time) AS "最古記録時間"
, max(start_time) AS "最新記録時間"
, to_char(count(*),'999,999') || ' Times' AS "発生回数"
, to_char(sum(elapsed_seconds),'999,999') || ' Sec' AS "SUM 実行時間"
, to_char(avg(elapsed_seconds),'999,999.99') || ' Sec' AS "AVG 実行時間"
, to_char(min(elapsed_seconds),'999,999') || ' Sec' AS "MIN 実行時間"
, to_char(max(elapsed_seconds),'999,999') || ' Sec' AS "MAX 実行時間"
, to_char(sum(totalwork),'999,999,999,999') || ' '|| units AS "SUM UNIT数"
, to_char(avg(totalwork),'999,999,999,999.99') || ' '|| units AS "AVG UNIT数"
, to_char(min(totalwork),'999,999,999,999') || ' '|| units AS "MIN UNIT数"
, to_char(max(totalwork),'999,999,999,999') || ' '|| units AS "MAX UNIT数"
from v$session_longops
where start_time > sysdate - (( 1 / 24 ) * 6 )
group by target,opname,units
order by target,opname,units